Is May 21 a Taurus?

May babies born between May 1st and 21st fall under Taurus' sign (aka the bull). Qualities associated with Taurus include determination, patience, and good taste. May babies born after the 21st will be Geminis (symbolized by the twins). Gemini is the most versatile member of the zodiac.

What is the zodiac of May 21?

May 21st has a fine note to it, there to shake loose the ground that got truly stiff in the earthly sign of Taurus, creating a hurricane only to lift it up and set it free.

Is 21 May Gemini?

Gemini season begins on May 21, a day that ushers in the heat and electricity of summer. Gemini is accordingly excellent at guiding change and transformation. These curious twins are terrific pioneers, using their energy to spearhead innovative creative projects.

What birth date is a Taurus?

In astrology, Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, considered as governing that portion of the year from about April 20 to about May 20.

Are you a Taurus if you are born in May?

Taurus begins its cycle in the middle of spring, so if you're born between April 21 and May 21, then you're a Taurean.

Is 21 May Gemini or Taurus?

Yet a quick Google search to confirm that our status as zodiac soul sisters revealed to me that her birthday is May 20th, so though she's indeed a Taurus (which rules Aril 20 through May 21), she's born on the Taurus Gemini cusp, the period spanning the end of Taurus and beginning of Gemini season.

What is special about May 21?

National Memo Day. National Pizza Party Day – May 21, 2021 (Third Friday in May) National Strawberries and Cream Day. National Waiters and Waitresses Day.

Is May 21 a Taurus or Gemini?

May babies will be bulls or twins… When it comes to their astrological sign. May babies born between May 1st and 21st fall under Taurus' sign (aka the bull). Qualities associated with Taurus include determination, patience, and good taste. May babies born after the 21st will be Geminis (symbolized by the twins).

Who should a Taurus marry?

Compatible signs: Generally, the most compatible signs for Taurus friendships and romantic relationships are Scorpio (yes, sometimes opposites do attract), Virgo, and Capricorn (what's up, earth signs?) and of course, fellow Taureans!

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