Who was nice to Auggie?

Christopher Blake has been Auggie's best friend since they were little, so he was there through all of Auggie's surgeries.

Is Jack nice to Auggie?

Though Jack initially is only friends with August because Mr. Tushman asked him to be, he soon discovers that August is smart, funny, and very nice. Jack is caught between being popular and being unpopular solely because he's friends with August, which poses a number of problems for him.

How was Julian rude to Auggie?

Melissa photoshops the photo and persuades him to not think about Auggie. Julian continues to insult August by calling him nicknames such as "Zombie Boy" and "Freak". He developed a ridiculous game called The Plague, which means anyone who touches or makes contact with August will get the "cooties".

Is summer nice to Auggie?

Because in this book, Summer is the most reliable friend Auggie has. And no matter how cold other kids may be at times, Summer is always there to warm Auggie right back up with her kindness, maturity, and loyalty. This girl is a true blue friend.

How does Julian feel about Auggie?

Julian especially causes Auggie's days to be miserable, making references about Auggie's face and veiled threats to harm him. The flip side is that Auggie has the steadfast support of his first friend, Summer, and his best friend, Jack, and his teachers and the principal like him.

Why did Jack Will punch Julian?

The party Julian had over winter break and he told everyone that Jack punched him because he had emotional problems and his parents begged the school not to expel Jack.

Is Wonder based on a true story?

"Wonder" is inspired by a real-life incident and a Natalie Merchant song. "Wonder" isn't based on one particular true story, but its origins do stem from a real-life incident that the novel's author, R.J. Palacio, once had.

What is Julian’s personality?

As a smug villager, Julian will get along easily with other villagers. Smug villagers get along well with most villagers, their personality appearing to be a mix of the other personality types.

Who is August’s best friend in Wonder?

Throughout most of the book, Auggie's best friend is Jack Will. Jack was asked by the school principal to show Auggie around at the beginning of the…

Who is Via’s best friend in Wonder?

Miranda. Miranda is a tricky character. Via's former BFF, she's suddenly changed a lot (hey there, hot…

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