How many Earths fit Betelgeuse?

The smallest estimated radius for Betelgeuse is: 764×Solar radius. Earth instead, has a radius of R_e=6375km, if you do the math we have (Sun radius 697 000 km): V_b/V_e~6×10^14 times. So we can put aroun 600 trillion Earths inside Betelgeuse, and around 446 thousands Suns.

How big is Betelgeuse compared to Earth?

Between small planets in the solar system and the biggest stars, the size difference is enormous, for example, the diameter of the star Betelgeuse is 141,863 times larger than the diameter of the Earth.

Is Betelgeuse bigger than solar system?

“It is a supergiant star growing a super-sized star spot.” Betelgeuse is 900 times larger than the Sun.

How many suns would fit in Beetlejuice?

1.6 Billion suns would fit inside Betelgeuse.

How many Jupiters can fit inside Betelgeuse?

Betelgeuse is one of the largest known stars and is probably at least the size of the orbits of Mars or Jupiter around the sun. That's a diameter about 700 times the size of the Sun or 600 million miles….Betelgeuse.

Fact Table
Mass20 x the mass of the Sun

How many solar diameters is Betelgeuse?

Using new observational data from the space-based Solar Mass Ejection Imager and three different modeling techniques, astronomers have found that Betelgeuse, a red supergiant in the constellation of Orion, has a radius of about 764 solar radii, a mass between 16.5 and 19 solar masses, and is 548 light-years away.

How far away is Betelgeuse from Earth?

642.5 light years Betelgeuse/Distance to Earth

Is there a star bigger than Betelgeuse?

If you think Betelgeuse is large, it does not even compare to the largest star we have located. The largest star we have identified is UY Scuti, which was found in 2012. Its radius is in between 1,054,378,000 and 1,321,450,000 miles, which is about 1700 times larger than the radius of Sun.

How big is UY Scuti compared to Betelgeuse?

The latter twinkles a fist to the lower left of Mars this week and shares its fiery color. At ~1,000 times the size of the Sun, Betelgeuse is an impressive star to be sure, but it's no match for UY Scuti, currently the largest star known with a diameter around 1,700 times that of the Sun.

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